Comments on: It???s the Poor What Gets the Blame ...and a few more reasons for climbing mountains Sun, 18 Jan 2015 11:33:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: McEff Sun, 18 Jan 2015 11:33:47 +0000 Hi Steve. Thanks for that. Feel free to rant on this website because it gives me a sense of safety in numbers. I listen to the TV news and I am usually left with the impression that there is a plan to remove our freedoms one by one and return us all to the status of peasants ??? and that everybody else is accepting it meekly because they???ve been told it???s for the good of the country. So it???s heartening to know there are like-minded people out there. In fact, this blog seems to attract them. Perhaps we should all go to live in the hills and become guerrillas.
I see you???ve found the High Cup post before I???ve had time to reply to this comment.
All the best, Alen
PS: As for Cameron, was I the only person who noticed that on the same day he stood in solidarity in Paris with the Charlie Hebdo victims, upholding free speech and freedom of expression, he announced measures to clamp down on the rights of firefighters, teachers and health service staff to take industrial action? Hypocrisy or what?


By: Steve Bibby Sat, 17 Jan 2015 04:14:23 +0000 Marvellous, structured ranting, Alen.

It amazes me that as far as human achievement can be depicted and measured (I dunno…space, mobile technology, microwaved popcorn) we really haven’t evolved our basic humanity very much at all. Without a basic system of social rules and laws, I suppose, the bloke in the car might have just burned your van to the ground (just in case). I grant you that. The fact that he felt compelled, enabled and jusitified to act in the way he did is a snapshot of that sense of get-off-my-land-even-if-its-not-my-land militant entitlement which is at the heart of this Tory government.

I’m off on one. I’ll leave you with this – as a gift. Cameron said yesterday that companies should be paying higher wages now that fuel costs are falling. What’s the collective noun for unstoppable-compulsively-liars?

Photos great – love the sideways tree. I’ve got one like that somewhere from near High Cup Nick. A photo. Not the tree. Have you done High Cup Nick here?


By: McEff Mon, 05 Jan 2015 09:56:05 +0000 Hi Dave. A happy new year to you too. I think I agree on every point you have made there. I’ve just been listening to the news, and it seems the general election will be defined by a race to cut public spending and services, which will effect the overwhelming majority of people, while life at the top will continue as normal ??? with above-average salary increases and bonuses ??? for the people in control of events.
Democracy is a failure on every level. Not only does our say not count for much any more (unlike forty years ago when we had elected members on the boards of the utility and power companies, and all the major industries), but there are millions of people on the lowest rung of the ladder whose needs are not being represented at all by the major political parties. And they wonder why voters are apathetic.
Did I say happy news year? Oh well, make the most of it.
All the best, Alen


By: Dave (B) Mon, 05 Jan 2015 09:06:35 +0000 Hi Alen, and a happy 2015 to you. If it’s any consolation, the bloke with the camera sounds like he’s the sort who lives his life in fear of the barbarians at the gate (that’s us, by the way). As for the broader issues, I think we are all pretty clear that the laws on access – just as with those on raptor protection – can be set aside by the landowning community at their convenience.

Four months from now we will be allowed to indulge ourselves in the illusion that we live in a democracy. We’ll get to – at most – tinker with the middle management; ownership and control will continue as before; uninterrupted and residing in the hands of people anonymous to the majority of us. At least that’s my (admittedly bleak) take on it.


By: McEff Sun, 04 Jan 2015 17:20:40 +0000 Hi Hanna. Thanks for that. I’m glad you had a laugh. One of the great things about blogging is you can have a really good rant, get things out of your system, share your thoughts with other people, argue a few points, and have a laugh at the same time.
Blogging is the best thing since sliced bread (that’s a common English saying, not necessarily to be taken literally).
Happy new year to you too, Alen


By: Hanna Sun, 04 Jan 2015 17:10:29 +0000 I was laughing so hard that tears ran down my cheeks and I have had some bad days. You get 100 points from me for making me laugh that much, Alen. I didn’t calculated my own points, I was too curious to slow down. Any way it is an unpleasant experience but maybe you’ve got it out of your system?
I wish you a Happy New Year too.
All the best,


By: McEff Sun, 04 Jan 2015 16:55:39 +0000 I thought you put it all right, Mark. Perhaps my response could have been written more clearly.


By: beatingthebounds Sun, 04 Jan 2015 00:10:47 +0000 Sorry Alen, I don’t think I put that very well. What I meant was that there’s a tendency, particularly from the so-called Countryside Alliance mob, to want to pretend that this is somehow a town against country affair. I grew up in a village in Leicestershire – like Cumbria famous for its fox hunting – and I know that even forty years ago there was plenty of rural opposition to hunting, including amongst farmers, who have to put up with the damage caused by hunters. And yes – the legislation was useless, and cynically brought forward because it might be a vote winner, since there was never really any intent to enforce it.


By: McEff Sat, 03 Jan 2015 20:29:20 +0000 Peter, your comments never fail to raise a laugh. It must be one endless round of mirth up there in Tynemouth. I should visit the town more often. Haven???t been up for a few weeks. I took the granddaughter up St Mary???s lighthouse back in November but she wasn???t impressed (the granddaughter, not St Mary), before heading into town and stopping for tea and biscuits near the only available parking place.
On another point, I???m so glad I never made it to the rank of admiral. But my mother was a typist in the Wrens and she came into close contact with them every day. She refuses to say much about them. Probably just as well.
Happy new year, Alen


By: McEff Sat, 03 Jan 2015 20:11:16 +0000 You???ve been far too chirpy since your appearance on Dragon???s Den, Missy. Can???t handle fame, obviously.
Happy new year, Alen


By: McEff Sat, 03 Jan 2015 20:06:35 +0000 Hi Mark. I think the legislation was a dead duck from the start. If you???re going to ban something you ban it ??? like badger baiting, cock fighting and hare coursing ??? not mess around in some sort of ineffective halfway house.
Nor am I convinced that the arguments are polarised around social backgrounds. I???ve lived my entire life in villages, in rural Cumbria and North Yorkshire, and I was brought up by a father who spent his spare time shooting and fishing. Fox hunting boils down, in its broadest sense, to lifestyle choice.
All the best, Alen


By: McEff Sat, 03 Jan 2015 19:18:08 +0000 Great stuff. I have a sneaky regard for 2CVs. Like those old Volkswagen T2 campers with the split windscreens, they are vehicles of character ??? though not necessarily comfort.

