Comments on: Days Like This, No 12: Dawn on Dove Crag ...and a few more reasons for climbing mountains Sun, 25 Jan 2015 18:21:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: McEff Sun, 25 Jan 2015 18:21:52 +0000 In reply to Dave (B).

Hi Dave. Great story. But a scary story, too, Just imagine what could happen nowadays when all airport police are armed and security has beeen stepped up everywhere.
All the best, Alen


By: Dave (B) Sun, 25 Jan 2015 16:52:34 +0000 Hi Alen, true story this: many years ago, a former work colleague of mine was detained for several hours – initially without explanation – at Frankfurt airport. Eventually he was allowed to leave and told he had been held because he “bore a striking resemblance” to Andreas Baader.
His protestations that he was “just a purchasing manager from Droitwich” cut no ice (he even showed them his company Barclaycard) and, to be fair, that’s just the kind of deep cover favoured by the red army faction.

He did have dark hair and a ‘tache, but he was hardly a doppelg??nger.


By: McEff Sat, 24 Jan 2015 10:57:06 +0000 In reply to theopeningsentence.

Don’t go for the wrong bridge. Monty made that mistake.


By: theopeningsentence Sat, 24 Jan 2015 09:33:42 +0000 I’m glad you corrected that. I think I mentioned Calvi and Waterloo Bridge in a book I’m writing, so off to do a quick edit.


By: McEff Fri, 23 Jan 2015 10:34:52 +0000 In reply to theopeningsentence.

Close, but not quite a bull???s eye there, Chris. Roberto Calvi was found hanging beneath Blackfriars Bridge in 1982. It was as big a story as the umbrella murder at the time. In fact, probably bigger because it involved the Vatican, mafia, and a shady organisation called P2 ??? which was an illegal branch of the Italian freemasons. Some bad blokes went on trial in Italy a few years ago but were acquitted.
What intrigues me about these high-profile cases, all of which involve the political classes and security services of various countries, is that no one ever gets banged up. Roberto Calvi, Georgi Markov, Alexander Litvenenko (drank poisoned coffee in a London cafe), Gareth Williams (MI6 man found dead inside a holdall in his bath), the list goes on. Stacks of evidence but no successful prosecutions. Not that I???m insinuating anything, you understand.
Had a laugh over Nigel???s flares. Mind you, I had a laugh when I found the slide too. So that???s two for the price of one.


By: theopeningsentence Fri, 23 Jan 2015 08:56:31 +0000 I wonder what it is about Waterloo Bridge that attracts the assassins? Wasn’t the guy from the Vatcian Bank hung underneath the bridge? 1978 . . . makes me turn into Ron Manager thinking about it: Holland losing the World Cup final, Motor Show at the NEC, jumpers for goal posts.

I’ve often tried to see the cave from the valley. Probably looked straight at it without knowing it. Funny how your friend didn’t get blown off the ledge when the wind caught the flares on his trousers.


By: McEff Thu, 22 Jan 2015 17:50:14 +0000 In reply to mountaincoward.

Hi Carol. From what I remember the path to the cave across the crags is pretty straightforward. I’ve been meaning to go back for a long time, it’s just another thing on the list of things to do that never gets done.
Cheers, Alen


By: mountaincoward Thu, 22 Jan 2015 00:39:49 +0000 Eee – you weren’t a bad-looking young lad were you? ????

LOL to the 2 guys fighting with umbrellas in Ulverston – I’d have loved to have seen that!

I’m jealous of you spending a night in the cave – I haven’t even visited yet – I’m plucking up courage for the route to it!


By: McEff Wed, 21 Jan 2015 22:48:18 +0000 In reply to EchoohcE.

Hi Mike. It was indeed ricin, in the form of a pellet. The lengths that some people will go to . . .
The cave is flat and dry, and you will see from the outside shot that there is a low wall to prevent people rolling over the crag in their sleeping bags. It’s large enough to accommodate about a dozen people, if I remember correctly, and there is even a visitor’s book.
The route follows the main path up the fell until it is more or less level with the cave then cuts off almost horizontally to the left along grassy ledges. The cave is marked on the large-scale Ordnance Survey maps as ???Priest’s Hole???.
Happy camping, Alen


By: EchoohcE Wed, 21 Jan 2015 20:46:41 +0000 Hi Alen, thanks for the posting, I didn’t know about the cave at Dove Crag. The floor looked very level, looks like a great bivi spot! I’ll have to check it out. I remember the umbrella incident (albeit with the wrong date, I thought it was 1980 so thanks for sorting that out), I also recall seeing a program about it years later which said the poison used was ricin.
All the best, Mike


By: Hanna Wed, 21 Jan 2015 18:57:08 +0000 In reply to McEff.

No, it’s not that bad, Alen. Thankfully the rain wear is invented.


By: McEff Wed, 21 Jan 2015 17:06:03 +0000 In reply to Hanna.

Hi Hanna. That???s interesting stuff. I???ve just read his page on Wikipedia. I missed that story when it first came out. I shall have to buy the Times in future.
The whole episode is a murky business from start to finish. I think what captured the imagination of people over here was that it was like something out of a James Bond novel. Suddenly, fiction had become reality, and these shadowy people were operating on the streets of our towns and cities.
Thanks for the information, Alen
PS I???m sure not all Danes are so ruthless.

